News & Insights

The Weekly Edge

Wayne’s World Markets: “Party on, Powell!”

As Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell hosted the post-Federal Open Market Committee meeting press conference this week, he probably should have ditched the suit and worn a black t-shirt and ripped jeans instead, because he seemed to send one Wayne Campbell-like...

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Do you have to, do you have to, do you have to let it linger?Oh, I thought the world of youI thought nothing could go wrongBut I was wrong, I was wrong “Linger”, The Cranberries Inflation is lingering around, meaning U.S. economic data continues to support our view...

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Previous News & Announcements

A Statement from NewEdge Capital Group

A Statement from NewEdge Capital Group

Our hope is that we can foster unity among global citizens, working together to build a world where every individual, regardless of their race, religion or ethnic heritage, can coexist peacefully, free from the fear of violence.

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